Sport Supporting Our Transgender Family

Believe it or not, team sport dates back 70,000 years and while it may have started from warfare and military training it was always a form of entertainment that bonded us humans together.  Today, Australia is known to be a… Continue Reading >

The importance of sports for children

By Portia Gunn, Youthrive Occupational Therapist   Did you know that children and young people should be getting at least one hour of moderate to vigorous-intensity physical activity every day? Sports has many benefits to a child’s development. By playing sports,… Continue Reading >

Children’s sport.  Awesome or not?

When you were growing up chances are you played a sport or two; maybe football, netball or even track and field. Sport has always been and always will be part of the Aussie lifestyle your children may be participating a… Continue Reading >

Useful hints for a healthier family-life balance.

As school routines, work and other commitments collide, the weeks seem to fly by. Most of us look forward to the end of the working week and for many, Friday represents a ‘finish line.’ Weekends are great because our routines… Continue Reading >

School week stress? Useful hints to achieve a balanced family life.

Most of us look forward to the end of the working week.  For many, Friday represents a ‘finish line.’ As school routines and work commitments collide, weeks still seem to fly by. Then, before we know it, it’s time to… Continue Reading >

Development of our Children’s Fine & Gross Motor Skills: We’re falling short

Anyone who knows me, knows I am insanely passionate about children and movement. Movement is so unbelievably important from a young age and teaching our children the basic skills of throwing, catching, squatting, kicking, etc through play is imperative for… Continue Reading >