Is your pet suffering from Separation Anxiety?

As a member of the family, our pets feel changes in our life and routine (just like our kids!). Often these changes can cause separation anxiety in pets and can lead to behavioural issues. As life in Australia continues to… Continue Reading >

How to Support Someone with Disordered Eating

Are you worried that someone is struggling with disordered eating or an eating disorder? While you can’t force a person with disordered eating to change, you can offer your support and encourage treatment. And that can make a huge difference… Continue Reading >

Teething and Your Baby

For some babies teething seems to be an almost painless process where a parent notices a tooth and there have been no symptoms of teething prior to this. But for many babies there is some pain associated with teeth cutting… Continue Reading >

Newborn Sleep

When your baby arrives into the world, we think of how cute and tiny they are. With their adorable faces and innocent smiles. It is hard to not marvel at the miracle of life. But many parents are not prepared… Continue Reading >

How to minimise COVID-19 anxiety as the kids return to school

By Chanel Nesci, Bupa Psychological Health and Safety Leader   Returning to school after the holidays can always evoke mixed emotions, for not only our children, but also for us as parents. After a big holiday break, some may feel… Continue Reading >

I Never Thought Anaphylaxis Would Start Like This…

Our older son was 3 when he had his first anaphylactic reaction. It was terrifying. It was a delayed reaction – at least 2 hours later, and started with the tiniest of coughs. And then another couple of coughs after… Continue Reading >

PMS – is it normal?

You know those jokes around how you can always tell a woman is about to get her period? Mood swings, bloating, acne…they seem to be the tell-tale signs that her period is about to start. PMS, or premenstrual syndrome, occurs… Continue Reading >

Would you Recognise an Allergic Reaction?

Often when talking to people, they share their confusion about how to know if someone is having an allergic reaction. In order to be able to help someone, you kind of need to be able to recognise the situation. So… Continue Reading >

Sleep is not perfect: the danger of trying to follow a strict sleep routine

Everyone will always tell you “all babies are so different!”  So how is it that there are so many sleep routines out there that expect every baby to be able to conform to the same feed and sleep time each… Continue Reading >