How to Prepare Your Toddler for a New Sibling: Easing the Transition

✨ Preparing for a new sibling? 🤱 The arrival of a new baby is exciting, but it can be a BIG change for your firstborn. This article is packed with simple, loving strategies to help your toddler adjust, express their emotions, and feel special during this life transition. 💕👶 Let’s make the sibling bond strong and positive from the start! 🌟

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Sibling Relationships

Twins Brielle and Kyrie Jackson were born 12 weeks premature in 1995 at the Massachusetts Memorial Hospital. Brielle weighed just two pounds and was blue-faced from crying so much and was struggling with her heart rate. Gayle Kasparian, the young nurse… Continue Reading >

First Child, Second Child: The Effects of Birth Order

Susan Moore & Doreen Rosenthal   Every child is different, a unique combination of genetic tendencies and the influence of environment, including the way you parent.  Is birth order one of the factors that makes a difference to your child’s… Continue Reading >

Sibling struggles – five tips for reducing the impact of siblings fighting in your home.

Most parents will be familiar with the sound of siblings fighting, bickering and squabbling; it often fills us with dread and we all want nothing more than for our kids to please just get along! One of the greatest hopes… Continue Reading >

Sibling Bullying … is it a “thing”.

It started early in her life and like any form of abuse the effects have been lifelong. From the age of 3 we have established our subconscious beliefs about ourselves and found our coping strategies that will sit with us… Continue Reading >

Getting Along: How to Skip the Sibling Rivalry And Raise Best Friends.

The relationship between siblings is an incredibly special one. It’s a bond forged by years of togetherness, through the times you get along and the times you don’t. As parents, helping our children to get along as they grow is… Continue Reading >