Medicare and Judgement

The other day I had to make the dreaded trip into the Medicare office as my Husband and I decided we wanted ourselves, and all our children, on the same card. I had phoned Medicare and found out that this… Continue Reading >

A fish out of water. Is it happening to my child?

Sarah Smith, APD, Bayside Dietetics   “Never feed him a lot. Never more than a spot! Or something may happen. You never know what.” Mr Carp gave this advice to a boy who bought Otto the fish from his… Continue Reading >

Shining in the strength of her sudden life as a single parent

A compelling journey of loss and a new reality by author Suzanne Duncan   For some, cancer might be the inevitable, and for those left behind years of inability to cope, to move forward or to manage a new role as… Continue Reading >

World Honey Bee Day

By Becky Searles – Family Garden Life   In celebration of World Honey Bee Day, we thought it was the perfect time to get buzzing in the garden with the kids. It’s a great reminder for our kids to recognise… Continue Reading >

Is my child eating enough?

By Sarah Smith from Bayside Dietetics Twitter #BaysideDietetic FB Bayside Dietetics Instagram @baysidedietetic   I have lots of worries. How many nights in a row can we get away with having chicken? Is Simon the best Wiggle? Make it… Continue Reading >

How to Raise Good Little People

Does your kid smile at complete strangers? Offer to help someone in need? Say please, thank you and excuse me? Show compassion, kindness and respect at all times? Invite and include everyone in their classroom to their birthday parties? If… Continue Reading >