The do’s and don’ts of fitting your child in a car seat

Media kindly brought to you by Britax   If you’re preparing to fit your child into their very first car seat or upgrading to a new one, confusion and worry can set in: ‘what if I install it wrong?’. It’s… Continue Reading >

Getting ready for baby: 7 ways to prepare your car

Did you know as many as 4 out of every 5 child car seats aren’t installed correctly? It’s a terrifying statistic, especially when you consider just how precious your cargo is and what could happen in the event of an… Continue Reading >

Keeping your kids safe – Five top tips from experts in child safety

As parents, our best intentions to keep our children safe are sometimes thwarted by unexpected circumstances. Being prepared for the unexpected is easier than it sounds. It mostly means setting things up so your child is automatically protected when things… Continue Reading >