Family violence and COVID-19: Hidden in isolation

We know that the consequences of crises and large-scale disruptions are more serious for people who are already disadvantaged. This means that the visible and invisible impacts of the recent bushfire crisis, and now the COVID-19 global pandemic have been… Continue Reading >

Within these four walls

Now more than ever, our children need us to be their place of calm, confidence and safe place. Whilst the rest of the world comes to terms with the events as they are unfolding at an alarming rate, we can… Continue Reading >

Taking Responsibility for Better Health

It’s an undeniable fact…. excess weight, especially obesity, is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, some musculoskeletal conditions and even some cancers. As excess weight increases, not only does the risk of developing these diseases increase,… Continue Reading >

Shifting The Power – A Call to Action

My journey started with a night out with friends – where I heard the shocking stories of young children being abused by children their own age. As the ‘shock’ subsided, determination set in, and I quickly become a passionate advocator… Continue Reading >

The Power of Words

When I was a child there was a saying ‘Sticks and Stones can break my bones, but words will never hurt me’. How wrong is that? Many years later I heard a wise person say it should be ‘Sticks and… Continue Reading >

Is my child ready to walk to school?

By Youthrive Clinical Psychologists   It’s natural that we want to make sure our children arrive safely at school. While it’s never easy saying goodbye to routine school drop-offs, is it time to give your children extra freedom and responsibility… Continue Reading >

What parents need to know.

by Jay Anderson Parenting can be tricky! Non-one gets taught much about it at all. Most people learn by experience, by observation and by trial and error.  In fact, most people will parent how they were parented, unless they have… Continue Reading >

Smartphones on Santa’s hit list this Christmas

Aussie kids are on the nice list this festive season, with new research commissioned by Telstra[1] revealing almost one quarter (23%) of parents are planning to gift their child a smartphone this Christmas. The majority of surveyed Australian parents believe 12… Continue Reading >

How to talk about money with your child – Your Child’s Financial Literacy

Children like to spend money – particularly yours. But however good they are at asking their parent to pay for a magazine or lolly at the supermarket, this is often the extent of their financial awareness. Children hear finance-associated words… Continue Reading >

School Readiness and what you need to know.

The decision about when your child should start school can be a hard one to make. Many people think that being school ready means that your child must know how to read and write but these skills are often secondary… Continue Reading >