Over the previous months we have run through a few of the decisions about preconception, and when you find out you are pregnant. This month we will focus on the next key decision – which is choosing your care provider…. Continue Reading >
Whether you’re super organized, or like me, tend to leave everything until the last minute, there is a universal list of tasks, that every parent needs to achieve before their kids start back at school. Whilst individual requirements will vary… Continue Reading >
So you’ve done the test and you’re pregnant, congratulations! What now. A whole heap of decisions need to be made including what type of care for you and your baby do you want and will you go to the local… Continue Reading >
Private versus public maternity care. It’s a debate that’s rife in pregnancy chat rooms. It provides great fodder in the ‘mummy wars’. But to me, there is no debate as no one can ‘win’. Each person has a unique set… Continue Reading >
Introducing body safety and protective behaviours to our young children can be daunting. Most parents feel ill-equipped; unsure of the information to impart and worried that they might frighten or alarm their child. However, the truth remains that as… Continue Reading >
In short for me, yes. Having private cover and a private Obstetrician was worth every cent. When you’re considering trying for a baby and begin researching health insurance it can be overwhelming and confusing. There are so many options –… Continue Reading >
by Bessie Hassan Deciding to have a baby is obviously an exciting time. However what probably doesn’t cross many future parents’ minds is the process of taking out the best value health insurance policy with pregnancy cover. But having this… Continue Reading >
One of the biggest decisions you encounter when first seeing those two pink lines on the pregnancy test is what to name the little thing suddenly taking up residence in your uterus. Trying to avoid naming it after all the… Continue Reading >
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