A Day in the Life of a Doula

Renee Adair   Let me start by saying that just about every doula pitches a variety of contrasting services according to their training, other modalities they specialise in and their personal situation. So what I do in a day will… Continue Reading >

The part of your postnatal body that nobody talks about….

Saggy boobs, abdominal muscle separation, haemorrhoids – ask anyone who had a baby how they are feeling about their postnatal body and they are sure to have a list of complaints.   But has anyone ever told you about their vaginal… Continue Reading >

When to seek help? Pre / Postnatal Depression

While depression and anxiety can occur at any stage in life we know it is more likely for women to experience depression during pregnancy, and for up to a year following childbirth. Depression at this stage can have serious and… Continue Reading >

What is a Doula?

By Renee Adair A doula, or birth attendant, is usually a woman, who offers non-medical support and information to parents in pregnancy, childbirth and the postnatal period. ‘Doula’ is a Greek word that has come to mean, “to serve”. There… Continue Reading >

When can women return to high impact exercise after having a baby?

New mothers are told that they can return to exercise after their 6-week check post baby. However, what we need to remember with all advice, including that given to you from your GP, is that there is not one size… Continue Reading >