We welcome to the Kiddi-Community, Amie from Soundsations!

As a parent, you are your child’ first and longest-serving teacher.  Family creates the environments and experiences in which learning happens, which makes parents a child’s first and best teacher throughout their life. Did you know that 90-95% of brain… Continue Reading >

Another day, Another accident, Another hospital trip.

So usually my days are pretty standard routine nothing that exciting happens, but this day went a little differently. Usually, on a weekday the day starts with my partner Lachlan going off to work nice and early around 6.30 am. At that… Continue Reading >

Time Management Goes Out the Window With Kids

Did you have a fantasy of what having kids would be like? I did, and according to my thoughts I would have a wonderfully tidy and organised house, kids that did everything they were asked, plus there would be plenty… Continue Reading >