Easy Ways to Entice Your Kids to Embrace Better Health

Way back when I was a kid, I never understood the value of physical activity, exercise or fitness…. I never grasped the critical importance of nutritious food to fuel my body…. and I certainly never learned my ‘physical worth’ from… Continue Reading >

Welcome Kitty Chao to the Kiddipedia Family

An exercise psychologist studies how exercise positively affects certain groups of people which in turn helps people enjoy better physical and mental health through recommended exercise regimes. They try to get those with poor physical and mental health to consider… Continue Reading >

Top 10 Reasons Why Children Should Play Sport

Media brought to you by Kelly Sports Let’s face it, how lucky are we to live and raise our children in Australia! The sun and climate allow our children to play outdoors twelve months of the year.  Our houses, gardens, and parks… Continue Reading >

Development of our Children’s Fine & Gross Motor Skills: We’re falling short

Anyone who knows me, knows I am insanely passionate about children and movement. Movement is so unbelievably important from a young age and teaching our children the basic skills of throwing, catching, squatting, kicking, etc through play is imperative for… Continue Reading >