Keesja Gofers shares her inspiring perspective that helps her combat mum guilt as a professional athlete.

For Keesja Gofers, mum guilt is real! In many ways, being a professional athlete and a mum don’t work in sync. As an athlete, you prioritise your recovery, your sleep, and your nutrition; but when you bring a little person… Continue Reading >

How to manage feelings of guilt as a mother 

A big part of my work involves supporting mothers as they reconcile their needs and ambitions as women with their family commitments. What we usually tackle first is the GUILT monster. The one that shows up when they raise their… Continue Reading >

A Dad’s Perspective on Emotions

I was naked on the shower floor, shaking, uncontrollably crying and all I could think of was how was I going to be a Dad. It was a little more than a week after my daughter Betty was born. We… Continue Reading >

Managing Expectations

I am doing it right now – staring at a blank piece of paper, feeling my mouth dry and a lurch in my belly… it is anxiety at is gentlest, but nevertheless distracting enough to make the flow of words… Continue Reading >

Are your Compromises Balanced?

By Krissy Regan The Wellness Poet   Balance and Compromise, two words that take on a whole new meaning as a parent.  I will talk about this from a Mum’s perspective as I feel well qualified to write about this… Continue Reading >

From Meh to Magic!

By Krissy Regan The Wellness Poet The truth is not every day is our best day!  There are just days when you wake up tired, burn-out, fed up and feeling blah! Maybe you feel Meh – an expression of indifference… Continue Reading >

The greatest experience of being a dad

You hear it so many times… ‘you wait, it will be the best thing you’ve ever experienced’ and although it was never a case of not believing it, I have to admit I didn’t think they would be this right…. Continue Reading >

Feeling Exhausted?

As life is slowly starting to resemble some sort of new normal, nobody knows for certain what the future has in store for us. And although you might not be able to control what’s happening in the world, the good… Continue Reading >

How to give medication to your baby

There are times when you may need to give your baby some medication for a variety of different reasons and this can be quite challenging. If you think of it from your baby’s perspective, they have only ever tasted breastmilk… Continue Reading >

I Thought I Was the Only Unicorn in the Village!

At the ripe old age of 51, I was thrust into the role of a full-time dad to my 2yo daughter Charlie when her mum suddenly moved away. I couldn’t be more amazed at the little dweeb that I’m now… Continue Reading >