Creating a Personal Legacy through Giving!

 By Krissy Regan The Wellness Poet   How many people do you know who have a social conscience? 1, 2, 3, 10, 100? Depending on the circles you move in you may have more or less. For some people they… Continue Reading >

Balancing Entrepreneurship and Parenting: How to become a successful Dad-preneur. 

Juggling parenting and family life, whilst running a successful business and maintaining work-life balance is no easy feat! To invest in your dreams and kick-start your side hustle whilst maintaining your day job – may feel impossible! However, to successfully… Continue Reading >

Self-settling is the Secret to having a Great Sleeper!

I am passionate about SLEEP and understand the benefits for both adults and children, the evidence supporting sleep is compelling and widely understood and supported by health care professionals around the world. The human brain—yours and your baby’s—runs on sleep…. Continue Reading >