Are Your Child’s Emotions Getting In The Way Of Their Success?

by Dr. Scott Zarcinas   Emotions should come with some kind of warning when we are born, and the warning should be: Buyer beware—emotions are powerful! Emotions can be the fuel driving you toward success, or they can be the… Continue Reading >

Nurturing Authenticity in Children: A Guide for Parents

As parents, we understand the importance of building meaningful connections and fostering self-awareness in our children. Authenticity is the key to fostering these deep connections and cultivating inner harmony. When our children are authentic, they are more confident, resilient, and… Continue Reading >

It’s how you raise a confident, successful child

We all want to succeed, but do you give yourself permission to do so? We need to take risks and try new things to learn, grow, and better understand what we want to do. Taking risks comes in different shapes… Continue Reading >

“My partner does not eat his greens, is he going to be a bad role model to your child?” A shared feeding journey.

New mum Karen recently asked this question in my Facebook group: “My son is 12 months old and is a good eater. What can I do to continue this into his adult life, if my husband won’t even eat his… Continue Reading >

Why Children Should Dance – An Interview with Natalie Ayton

Dance has many benefits for children. It doesn’t just provide physical benefits, such as increased coordination or flexibility, but also helps young people learn to communicate and collaborate with each other. Natalie Ayton is an internationally respected dancer, choreographer and… Continue Reading >