Top tips for working from home with kids through the COVID-19 pandemic and preventing burnout

The COVID-19 pandemic has created an enormous shift in the way that we manage our work-life balance.  The reinforcement of social distancing measures has led to an unprecedented increase in the remote workforce across a large range of businesses.  The… Continue Reading >

A new day will come but a pretty special one is right here

Alex Ryvchin   When this is all over, the Coronavirus pandemic will be recorded and remembered as an extraordinary time in human history. For all our rapid advancements, unprecedented freedoms, access to information, and abundance of choice, we have been… Continue Reading >

To Scan or not to Scan

By Kathy Fray That is a question during this Pandemic Here’s the general recommendations to keep everyone as safe as possible: Woman only at all scans – no extra attendees (unless as emotional support during a suspected miscarriage confirmation scan)… Continue Reading >

Tips for families about COVID-19 from Dr Tanya Unni, Amtan Medical Centre founder and director

The rumours and misconceptions about COVID-19 are spreading at a faster rate than the novel virus. We have to be mindful of the misleading rumours during such a critical period of pandemic, since wrong information can lead to undesirable outcomes. Here are some of the… Continue Reading >

Surviving a New Baby in the Pandemic

Becoming a new parent during this pandemic has certainly added some challenges to a time that is already a steep learning curve. For many new parents they have had reduced face to face antenatal visits, childbirth education classes and other… Continue Reading >