By Mellissa Hooper, Youthrive Psychologist If your child is struggling to focus at home, school or otherwise you could try teaching them basic steps to mindfulness. This does not necessarily mean meditation or yoga; instead it can be small… Continue Reading >
You’re through the sleepless nights of the baby stage and you’re now navigating a new set of challenges, trying to manage those big emotions during the toddler stage (people call this age terrible twos and threenagers for a reason right)?!… Continue Reading >
The latest research from BioCeuticals and YouGov reveals it’s not just feeling sick that worries us when it comes to cold and flu. One in two Aussies with children under 18 are concerned about how they will support their family… Continue Reading >
One of the most complaints we hear from people in our psychology practice is difficulty sleeping. It may be difficulty getting to sleep, difficulty staying asleep, waking up too early, or simply feeling fatigued. Well I wanted to share with… Continue Reading >
In our post-pandemic world, the well-being of our children has taken on even greater importance. As parents, we all want the very best for our kids. We want them to grow up happy, healthy and prepared to tackle life’s challenges… Continue Reading >
Being a mom is a full-time job that often leaves little room for self-care. The endless demands of parenting can make it easy to forget the importance of taking time for oneself. However, prioritising me-time is crucial for overall well-being…. Continue Reading >
One of the best things we can do for our children’s physical, emotional and mental wellbeing is to connect deeply with them through making the time for creative play – whether it be out in nature, with music, with arts… Continue Reading >
This Short Body Scan is targeted at children but suitable to anyone – if you’re a parent, grandparent, teacher, .. You might choose to do this together or on your own. Access the Audio Recording Here 1) Lie down on your… Continue Reading >
Children and young people experiencing anxiety can feel both physical and emotional symptoms including: racing heart beat rapid breathing being teary and irritable being sweaty and breathless ‘butterflies’ in your stomach pains and discomfort in your body. For some children… Continue Reading >
Helping children cultivate mindfulness and relaxation techniques during the winter months is crucial for their overall well-being. Here are some tailored techniques: Winter Nature Walks: Encourage children to engage their senses during walks in winter landscapes. Guide them to notice… Continue Reading >
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