I want to have a baby……what do I do now?

As a midwife and Managing Director of My Midwives, Liz Wilkes has seen thousands of women walking into her practice asking this question. For some, the journey will be straightforward and easy and they will be at their destination before… Continue Reading >

Advice from a Midwife Mum: Birth and the fourth trimester

Looking for more information on the fourth trimester? Midwife and new mum Marie-Louise outlines what to expect after birth and during the fourth trimester.

Sarah Tooke Childbirth & Parenting Education

Offering online, small group and private antenatal childbirth & parenting Classes. All programs designed and delivered by a leading midwife and childbirth educator who built and delivered award-winning programs at a leading Sydney Private Hospital.

When your newborn baby is more than “unsettled” …. Three Case Studies

I’ve talked a lot this year about Edward, my “orchid” baby.  He’s been fussier than your average baby and has taken a long time to settle down out of his newborn phase.  I’ve shared this journey of having a baby… Continue Reading >

How to Stress Less with your Baby?

Oh, the moment you find out that you are going to have a baby! The exhilaration, joy, excitement, there isn’t any better feeling. The honor of bringing another life into the world also brings duty and upmost responsibility. Every parent… Continue Reading >

Why I wrote a ‘birth preference’ list instead of a birth plan

  Like many pregnant women with a looming due date, I’m starting to put pen to paper about my wishes for bub’s birth. Commonly known as a birth plan, it’s typical for birthing couples to list out a page or… Continue Reading >