Why Regular Bedtime Is Crucial For Children

Getting children to bed at night isn’t just important for preserving the sanity of the parents.  It’s vital for the healthy development of young brains too. Researchers in the UK found a correlation between consistent bedtimes during early childhood and… Continue Reading >

The Early Bird Gets the Zen: 6 Reasons to Teach Mindfulness and Yoga to Young Children

By Jacqueline Yeats In a world where busyness is often a badge of honour, teaching our children the art of mindfulness and the practice of yoga might just be the counterbalance needed for a healthier, more grounded generation.  Mindfulness and… Continue Reading >

Top 3 Christmas DIY Gifts

Pass on something with history and a story. This could be something ornamental, book, a piece of jewelry or clothing. It doesn’t have to be of value. It could have no monetary value but a very funny story. This gift… Continue Reading >

Ways to Help Children Process Information More Easily

As a parent or early childhood educator, I’m sure you’re interested in strategies to help children process information efficiently. This is called executive function and it supports learning. There are three key elements: Focus and self-regulation: can children behave in… Continue Reading >

Cat napping

Cat napping is something that frustrates many mums. A catnap is a short nap, anything from 20-40 minutes. For babies, under 3-4 months of age, a cat nap can be a normal phenomenon. Until they are 4 months old babies… Continue Reading >

How Teaching our Kids EQ can Lead to Better Individual and Societal Outcomes

Stephanie Pinto, Certified Emotional Intelligence Coach and Trainer, Co-Founder at EQ Culture and Emotional Intelligence trainer for Zen Tea Lounge Foundation What is Emotional Intelligence? Emotional Intelligence (EQ) has been defined as a set of skills associated with monitoring one’s… Continue Reading >

Allergy friendly Shrove Tuesday Pancakes        

BY Stephanie Holdsworth Allerchic As Shrove Tuesday comes around every year my heart is warmed by a memory of inclusion, from my daughters Pre-School years. Our preschool like many others loved to celebrate all the culturally significant dates on the… Continue Reading >

Improving Academic Performance through Exercise & Diet

Yes it’s TRUE! There are positive actions we can take to support our child’s academic performance and ongoing success in life! We all know that physical activity and healthy nutrition are essential for optimal growth and development, but did you… Continue Reading >

Mum’s Mindset ….What’s on your mind?

Many people don’t realise the impact of what’s on their mind……  How significant are your thoughts?  Do you realise that what you think about is likely to affect your mood, your daily functioning, your sleep, your relationships? Our “mindset” is… Continue Reading >

From the loss of a nephew to a national disco broadcast that raises funds for Red Nose!

This year marks 10-years since my nephew passed away. It breaks my heart every time I hear of a family going through the loss of a child. A loss is so obviously heartbreaking for parents, it also breaks the hearts… Continue Reading >