Welcome the World of Emma Memma’s Magic This Christmas

Bring a sparkle of magic and warmth into your child’s world this Christmas with Emma Memma’s enchanting new stationery and mealtime collections, available at Kidstuff and Dymocks. Thoughtfully designed to inspire joy, kindness, and boundless imagination, these collections bring the… Continue Reading >

5 Common misinterpretations of kids’ mealtime behaviour.

Can you tell what their facial expressions and gestures mean?   I recently went to a conference on “parenting for resilience”  given by Professor Louise Newman, Director of the Centre for Women’s Mental Health at the Royal Women’s Hospital. One… Continue Reading >

Eight ideas for creating engaging mealtimes for your family.

By Sarah Smith of Bayside Dietetics www.baysidedietetics.com.au Follow Bayside Dietetics on Facebook If you’ve read my blogs over the years, you may have noticed that I don’t preach what to feed your family. Chances are you already know enough about… Continue Reading >

Tips And Tricks For Speeding Up Family Mealtime When Everyone Has Different Requirements

By Michaela Sparrow @Thelongevityremedy Naturopath, Nutritionist, Anti-Ageing Practitioner   It can be hard to get lots of healthy foods into your family, especially when you have picky eaters or everyone has different tastes. I find the best way to cut… Continue Reading >

Freaky clean parent, fussy eater child?

“I did not like mess so I stopped him from feeding himself, is this a problem, is this why he is such a fussy eater, asked Rebecca? Take a deep breath. It is unlikely that this is turning your child… Continue Reading >