Tips for Managing The Transition Into Parenthood

The transition to parenthood is one of the most important times in anyone’s life and we are often told it should be the happiest. However, we know that 1 in 5 mums and 1 in 10 dads will experience some… Continue Reading >

Handling “Those Looks” When You Have Fussy Kids at Christmas Gatherings

As a parent with a fussy eater, you have no doubt been served up your fair share of common-wisdom-but-oh-so-wrong advice when it comes to managing your child’s fussy eating behaviour. And as I have written about here for Kiddipedia previously,… Continue Reading >

Managing Pre-birth Anxiety during Covid-19

By Lael Stone   In what should be the happiest time in a woman’s life, many pregnant women are reporting it’s a time of increased anxiety as they prepare to give birth during the Coronavirus pandemic. With pre-natal classes now… Continue Reading >

Starting High School:  Managing anxiety

Flashback to 2017 and “WOW”.  It seems like only yesterday I was attending his kindergarten graduation and stressing over what Primary school would hold for him.  How would he ever cope?  How would he fit in?  Would he make friends? … Continue Reading >

Managing Empathy Overload: Strategies for Empaths and Highly Sensitive People

What is Empathy? “Having empathy means our heart goes out to another person in joy or pain,” says Dr. Judith Orloff. “But for empaths, it goes much further. We actually feel others’ emotions, energy, and physical symptoms in our own… Continue Reading >