6 Life Skills Your Child Will Learn Through Starting Their Own Business

By Julie Medeiros Julie Medeiros is a business professional with degrees in education and marketing, and a founder of Miss M Online Classes – the educational project offering children 8+ business education about discovering and monetising their talents, marketing and entrepreneurship.   Many of you… Continue Reading >

Finding the true meaning of Christmas during the Festive Season Frenzy?

Christmas … for me the very word conjures up feelings of excitement, love and anticipation. I know I am extremely lucky: I have three gorgeous kids, a great extended family and awesome friends who never fail to make me laugh…. Continue Reading >

How Can You Impact a Child’s Day in A Positive Way?

Media kindly brought to you by Spencil   As parents, we all have hectic schedules and a lot on our minds, but it’s crucial to take some time out to show love and support to children. Affection in childhood has… Continue Reading >

When Should My Child Start Doing Household Chores

The job of parents, apart from care, love, education, food and security, is to ensure their child develops into an independent adult capable of managing their life. Most of our children are very capable at undertaking age-appropriate tasks and generally… Continue Reading >

Small, special ‘dad moments’ add up to a lot of love

Dr Michael Herd, psychologist – Triple P – Positive Parenting Program   Time flies when you’re raising kids! This Father’s Day, amongst the gifts and cards, it can help to think about those little moments that help build positive family… Continue Reading >

Teacher-Librarians – The Aunty of the School

If the classroom teacher is the ‘school parent’, then the teacher librarian is an aunty. They are a caring, supportive presence in a child’s life. A person with responsibility and a high level of investment in the child, they are… Continue Reading >

Animal Behaviourist Reveals How to Help Children Express Love to a Feline Family Member

You consider your feline friend a close family member, but have you ever questioned whether your cat loves you too? New research from Fancy FeastÒ reveals that almost two thirds (64%) of cat owners aren’t recognising one of the most… Continue Reading >

Do We Really Need Valentine’s Day?

Do we really need a special day to profess our love with some grand gesture complete with jewelry, flowers, chocolates or even some specialty, purpose designed, hardly practical but unusually interesting underwear? Valentine’s day has its origins in the Roman… Continue Reading >

Valentine’s Day Special Edition

  Valentine’s Day is a chance to role model a loving relationship to your children Demonstrating a loving, healthy relationship to your children is one of the best gifts you can give them. What you both role model now is… Continue Reading >

Celebrate self-love this February 

It’s February, the month we celebrate love. We spend so much time loving and caring for others but sometimes we forget about extending that love to ourselves.  When you get on a plane, they tell you to put your oxygen… Continue Reading >