Curiosity is the key to making spelling fun

Educators have been tracking children’s common spelling errors for about 100 years, and their errors haven’t changed much over all these years. When your great grandparents were in Year 1 at school, they were making the same mistakes as your… Continue Reading >

Reading with your child

Reading with your child from a young age has been proven to give them many benefits and later learning success. It encourages good expression when they learn to read and a love of books. There is so much to talk… Continue Reading >

What are prewriting shapes and why are they important for my child’s handwriting?

  Children, as young as those in childcare, are learning to write their names. However, before a child learns to write letters, numbers and even their names, there is something that is more important for them to learn. And this… Continue Reading >

School Readiness and what you need to know.

The decision about when your child should start school can be a hard one to make. Many people think that being school ready means that your child must know how to read and write but these skills are often secondary… Continue Reading >

WHAT’S IN A NAME? (Exploring letters and sounds)

By Susan Spelic   Cuddling with our kids for a relaxing bedtime story is a beautiful routine. Regular reading and talking with our kids about our day (without distractions) develops oral language, vocabulary and feelings of security while building a… Continue Reading >