The Joy and Trauma of New Parenthood

Wow Mother’s day again already!? I think I was so shell shocked for the last Mother’s day that I barely remember it, but I was there. There are pictures of my little one making an odd face while my mother… Continue Reading >

How to make the most of Mother’s Day this year

Mother’s Day is just around the corner, but with self-isolation and social distancing, many parents will be searching for a whole new way of celebrating this annual ritual with their families. On top of the celebrations themselves, many of us… Continue Reading >

5 Easy DIY Christmas Crafts for Kids

‘Tis the season to be crafty! Celebrating Christmas is so much more than ripping into presents on Christmas day. It’s about family – visiting loved ones, spending much need quality time with our kids, and equally as importantly, stuffing our… Continue Reading >

Out Of My Control

A huge slice of my step mum experiences can be put into the ‘this is out of my control’ box. Arguably a lot of our lives are out of our complete control however this feeling can be incredibly frustrating. Feeling… Continue Reading >

Top Tips for Happy Travelling with Kids

The thought of travelling with kids is not something that fills most parents with joy. It’s often stressful for both parents and children, as well as those around you, but with Christmas holidays on the approach, it’s often obligatory for… Continue Reading >

Managing Empathy Overload: Strategies for Empaths and Highly Sensitive People

What is Empathy? “Having empathy means our heart goes out to another person in joy or pain,” says Dr. Judith Orloff. “But for empaths, it goes much further. We actually feel others’ emotions, energy, and physical symptoms in our own… Continue Reading >

Partner Support in labour – Do’s and Don’ts

Renee Adair   So, you have found out you and your wife/partner are having a baby, and in amongst all of the joy and possible shock of discovering you are going to be a parent, you suddenly cast your mind… Continue Reading >

Tips for Teamwork in Step and Blended Families

“You can learn many things from children. How much patience you have, for instance.” – Franklin P. Adams Parenting, in general, comes with great and many expectations, fears, rewards, joy, confusion, laughter and tears. Parenting in a stepfamily you may… Continue Reading >

Creating Healthy Positive Connections

When leaders of DGI Dads Groups across Australia arrange catch ups for dads and their babies every week, we never know what to expect. There are no complex program deliverables, strict rules or weird speeches. The groups are owned by… Continue Reading >

Forget the worksheets: 10 strategies for starting school.

Will they be ready for school? Readiness: “The state of being fully prepared for something.” Starting school for a little one and their family is a momentous occasion that brings with it many emotions for everyone involved! There’s a mix… Continue Reading >