COVID-19 Lockdown & Increase Alcohol Consumption

Nearly two months into Covid-19 induced isolation, some Australians are drinking more – and more often – than ever before. It’s not healthy for anyone, including our kids, who may have witnessed their parents’ drinking change rapidly – partly out… Continue Reading >

Top Tips for Raising a Resilient Child

The nature of children’s health around the world is changing. There is now a ‘new morbidity’ occurring, with obesity, mental health conditions, self-harm and suicide taking centre stage. Having worked as a teacher and guidance counsellor for the past 25… Continue Reading >

How to positively demonstrate your relationship to your children

Children are more aware and knowledgeable than we like to think, which is why we might underestimate their ability to absorb information that we demonstrate in our everyday lives. Their little eyes and ears pick up everything, that’s why the… Continue Reading >

Holy Cow! Why dairy food is actually good for us.

By Sarah Smith from Bayside Dietetics FB Bayside Dietetics Twitter #BaysideDietetic Instagram @baysidedietetics   A study has just been released by Dutch scientists that tells us that the type of food we eat may influence where our body weight… Continue Reading >

Save your Feeding Relationship with your Kids

“Mum keeps telling me to watch my weight event though I am 35 years old. I have 2 children at primary school”, Cath (not her real name) told me. “Mum loves to tell me what that I do wrong with… Continue Reading >

Learning to Catch a Ball

Being able to catch a ball is a basic gross motor skill that can have a big influence on your child’s future motivation and ability to participate in sports with their friends and for fitness. For your child to successfully… Continue Reading >


By Jane Kilkenny   Early childhood development is a crucial time in our lives as parents.  Understandably we want what is best for our kids.  But we can often be confused by the myriad of information that is available, some… Continue Reading >

The Hampton’s Style: Interview with Porter Davis Interior Designer, Koraly Symeou

There are few modern interior design trends that are adored as much as the Hamptons Style. Inspired by the sophisticated homes of New York’s rich and famous, the Hamptons style defines casual luxe and is the epitome of timeless elegance. The… Continue Reading >

True or false? Your pregnancy diet can affect your baby’s health for years to come

The short answer? True! And it makes sense – almost everything your baby needs to grow and develop is provided by you. Nutrients that power your body are extracted from food and carried through the placenta into your baby’s bloodstream…. Continue Reading >

How to Raise Good Little People

Does your kid smile at complete strangers? Offer to help someone in need? Say please, thank you and excuse me? Show compassion, kindness and respect at all times? Invite and include everyone in their classroom to their birthday parties? If… Continue Reading >