How White Noise Helps the Whole Family

By Dr. Harvey Karp   What if you treated your own bedtime and sleep space like it was your baby’s? Best guess: You’d start sleeping better, pronto! While there are no grownup-size swaddles or SNOOs (yet!), there is one baby-sleep… Continue Reading >

COVID and the Developmental Effects on Infants

During the last two years, extended lockdowns and isolation due to COVID-19 has been hard for many parents for so many different reasons. As the Pandemic stretches on, parents, researchers and those of us who work with children ask ourselves… Continue Reading >

Craft Your Communication to Forge a Positive Family Culture

There are these two young fish swimming along and they happen to meet an older fish swimming the other way, who nods at them and says “Morning, boys. How’s the water?” The two young fish swim on for a bit,… Continue Reading >

A response to recent reports about the Dangers of Vegan Eating for Infants and Children

By Sarah Smith of Bayside Dietetics Facebook Bayside Dietetics Instagram BaysideDietetic   There has been a strong media reaction to a recent study that looked at the impact of vegan and vegetarian diets in children. I have written a… Continue Reading >

Milk Allergy- the common beginning to the allergy story

Cow’s Milk Protein Intolerance, Cow’s Milk Protein Allergy, Milk/Soy Protein Intolerance, milk allergy. These are the most common allergies in infants, affecting approximately 1 in 10 infants under the age of 1. For my allergy baby, this was where our… Continue Reading >

Dysphagia, a difficult diagnosis to swallow

Did you know that the average human swallows 700 times a day?! A process that is seemingly easy, automatic and effortless to most, but for some can be very difficult and even dangerous. People who have difficulties with swallowing can… Continue Reading >

Firstborn Vs. Secondborn

It is inevitable that parenting your firstborn will be vastly different to any and all subsequent children. With your first child you are completely and utterly thrown in the deep end. Sure you read all the books, attended parenting classes,… Continue Reading >

Playtime Rules

Child: “I’m bored! Can I watch something?” Mum: “No, you’ve seen enough tv.” Child: “Muuuuuuum, there’s nothing to doooooo…” Mum: (suggests one thousand different ideas that are not the tv or an electronic device and then says) “Well… you’ll think… Continue Reading >