Positive Affirmations For Kids: 25 Powerful Phrases
Happy thoughts, happy kids! Give your child the gift of self-love with positive affirmations. Perfect for kids of all ages; boosts confidence and mental health.
With winter well and truly underway, temperatures dropping, rain settling in, and still a few months to go before spring, being organised is key to a stress-free and smooth winter. Of course, there are always unplanned events and unforeseen circumstances… Continue Reading >
Physical activity in children is important for a wide variety of reasons. It helps to reduce overweight and obesity increases strength in muscles and bones and can even improve concentration at school. Exercise is a vital component of any child’s… Continue Reading >
What is incontinence? Incontinence is a term that describes any accidental or involuntary loss of urine (urinary incontinence) from the bladder or bowel motions, faeces or wind from the bowel. Incontinence is a widespread condition that ranges in severity… Continue Reading >
Cat napping is something that frustrates many mums. A catnap is a short nap, anything from 20-40 minutes. For babies, under 3-4 months of age, a cat nap can be a normal phenomenon. Until they are 4 months old babies… Continue Reading >
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