Gut health uncovered: Why it’s so important and how to achieve good gut health, according to a dietitian

If there is one thing that continues to stump Aussies, it’s gut health. Shockingly, half the nation experiences unpleasant symptoms of an unhealthy gut, such as bloating, gas and constipation1. Still, unpleasant, and often embarrassing symptoms are only a small… Continue Reading >

Want to set your child up for future gut health?

One of the single best things you can do for your child aged 2-5 years is educate, interact, taste and talk about all different kinds of vegetables and plant foods. The aim is to develop an interest and love of… Continue Reading >

Gut health – Top tips for a healthy microbiome

Gut health plays a fundamental role in your child’s overall health and well-being.   Research shows our microbiome impacts digestion, growth, immune health, dental health, skin integrity, cognition and mental health.  Our gut is responsible for making the neurotransmitters that regulate… Continue Reading >

The Many Benefits of Fermented Foods: Real food for gut health

Ah….the world of fermenting food! It is such a wonderful world and I invite you to dip your toe in – or perhaps even dive right in. The history of fermented food is fascinating, and although I won’t go into… Continue Reading >

Beat the Winter Blues – A Nutritionist Shares the Ultimate Good Food for You

We all know a change in weather can result in a change of mood. Between the darker days and the freezing winds to stop you from venturing outdoors, it’s no surprise that the temperature outdoors can affect what’s happening inside… Continue Reading >

Five Ways to Boost Immunity This Winter

By nutrition educator at Endeavour College of Natural Health, and nutritionist, Sophie Scott, who designed industry-leading short online courses on gut health and nutrition to help more Australians approach their health and wellbeing from a place of knowledge and confidence…. Continue Reading >

Green Secrets Holistic Health

Natasha Zervaas – Australia’s leading stress Specialist!  Natasha is the Founder of the Green Secrets Holistic Health Clinic.  Natasha is a Naturopath and health Coach specialising in Adrenal Fatigue (stress/anxiety), Thyroid, hormonal and digestive disorders.  Natasha is also a published author of… Continue Reading >

Does being a mum improve your gut health?

Leanne Mitchell, Accredited Practising Dietitian, Microba Microbiome Coach, mum of two little ones.   There are many great things about being a mother, but did you know that just having children could improve your gut health? Having kids is linked… Continue Reading >

The surprising origin of the interest in gut health.

By Sarah Smith from Bayside Dietetics FB Bayside Dietetics Twitter #BaysideDietetic Instagram @baysidedietetics   This blog is a fictional story that is based on insight we have into ancient Egyptian beliefs and practices from around 800BC.  Ahti squirmed at… Continue Reading >

Top Ingredients to Support Family Gut Health

Kefir Kefir is slowly taking up more shelf space in supermarkets, due to increasing awareness on its nutritional benefits and probiotic properties. Kefir has been a staple ingredient to the eastern European diet for centuries and contains a variety of… Continue Reading >