Susan Moore & Doreen Rosenthal Every child is different, a unique combination of genetic tendencies and the influence of environment, including the way you parent. Is birth order one of the factors that makes a difference to your child’s… Continue Reading >
Dr Jane Williams and Dr Tessa Grigg The research on the development of your child’s vision and the regular use of small screens and mobile devices is now very clear… Professor Molina, an Optometrist who lectures in Clinical Optometry,(Molina, 2018)… Continue Reading >
Screen time has certainly become part of our modern-day unescapable reality. While most parents are well aware of the detrimental effects of screen time and its’ impact on young developing minds, it is a lesser known fact, the brains of… Continue Reading >
Remarrying can be the greatest step that you take for your emotional, intimate and personal relationship journey. As you embark on this stage, everyone hopes that life will transition as easily as the ‘Brady Bunch’ did. In reality, there can… Continue Reading >
Recently both children and adolescents have seen considerable changes to their weekly routines. School looks different, sport is on hold and parents and family for the most part have been the sole source of face-to-face social interaction for many children… Continue Reading >
Mumtrepreneur, Natalie Rebot is bringing the magic of kids’ bedtime stories to life, with an innovative and award-winning product redefining the popular night-time ritual. Moonlite transforms any mobile phone into a storybook projector, as popular children’s stories are vibrantly projected… Continue Reading >
As soon as you organise one birthday party, it feels like next years is only around the corner. Kids grow up quickly. Each year, birthday parties present a new challenge for parents. Do you have it at home? Inside or… Continue Reading >
Social Media has both benefits and risks when children use it. Although there are restrictions on the membership in most social media platforms, which only allows 13 years old or older to be a member, there are some issues which… Continue Reading >
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