Handling “Those Looks” When You Have Fussy Kids at Christmas Gatherings

As a parent with a fussy eater, you have no doubt been served up your fair share of common-wisdom-but-oh-so-wrong advice when it comes to managing your child’s fussy eating behaviour. And as I have written about here for Kiddipedia previously,… Continue Reading >

How to manage fussy eating

Put your hand up if you’ve got a fussy eater in your house… I’m pretty sure every parent has and man can it be frustrating! Something we need to understand is that there is a whole process that can come… Continue Reading >

Happy Tummies helping your fussy eater

Some of us have children that are more than just fussy, like my son who has a food phobia. His food phobia developed because he had food allergies that were undiagnosed and eosinophilic oesophagitis. It was actually food that was… Continue Reading >