Education can be a real battleground for parents, particularly if your child has a diagnosis or disability. It can be a battle to find the right educational setting for your child, let alone getting your child’s needs met. It can… Continue Reading >
If you’re the parent of a child with a disability or diagnosis, the NDIS (National Disability Insurance Scheme) may play a big role in your life. Whether you are already in the scheme, preparing to transition or you’ve only… Continue Reading >
It can be hard to manage the needs of a child with a disability or diagnosis. Regardless of your situation, the condition(s) you’re managing and the support available to you, being a special needs parent is one tough gig. As… Continue Reading >
Julie’s passion is to raise awareness and to assist families with advocacy and any support they may be needing.
You don’t have to feel awkward when talking to someone with intellectual disability. Did you know that more often than not, you are more worried about what you’re going to say and how you’re going to say it, than the… Continue Reading >
Imagine hearing the words, “I’m sorry, your baby didn’t pass the hearing screening test.” Despite Australia’s stake as a global leader in innovation that promotes and supports people living with hearing loss, including universal newborn hearing screening and specialist early… Continue Reading >
There can be many and varied life adjustments when one of your children is diagnosed with a disability. When you have other children as well, a flood of questions or thoughts often start to come in your own mind like:… Continue Reading >
What all pregnant women need to know about CMV… What is CMV: Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is a common virus which comes from the herpes family of viruses. It is the most common infectious cause of disability in babies. 1-2 babies… Continue Reading >
Whilst general day to day hustle and bustle are second nature to many of us, to people with sensory needs or a learning or developmental disability, what we take to be ‘everyday’ can be absolutely daunting for some. A sensory… Continue Reading >
There are 1.2 million Australians with communication disability. Speech pathologists like Freeda Thong from Youthrive in Springfield work with these Australians to provide them with the confidence to communicate. “In Australia today, communication disability is largely invisible. Unseen and out-of-sight,”… Continue Reading >
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