Why there’s no such thing as a wrong decision

Decision paralysis is real! When we are faced with choices, no matter how many options we have, what do we tend to do? Overthink, ruminate, procrastinate…and freeze! We put pressure on ourselves to find the best decision. The fear of… Continue Reading >

Choosing The Right Childcare

Choosing a childcare centre can be a stressful and emotionally charged process. Making your final decision is momentous and then handing your precious bundle into the care of virtual strangers takes strength and courage. That said, doing careful due diligence… Continue Reading >

How to choose the best child care for your family

Choosing child care is a big decision. There are some obvious factors such as convenience, availability and cost. However, when it comes to finding a service that’s going to best support your family, there are a few extra things you… Continue Reading >

What is it like to wait in IVF?

Written by Kit Peters   I’m Kit, the Founder of Together We Wait, an online and in-person community that empowers and supports women in IVF. Together We Wait was “born” from my heartbreak of multiple IVF cycles and later my… Continue Reading >

Expert Tips To Determine If a Child is Ready to Start Primary School | Andrew Oberthur | Ep 166

  We’ve arrived at the point of the year where parents need to make the decision if their preschooler is ready to commence primary school next year, or not. This is determined by the cut-off dates for your state or… Continue Reading >

To Repeat your child…… or not?

As a second half of the year arises teachers continue evaluating children’s progress and it is not uncommon that during parent teacher interviews for child’s readiness to take on the next year’s curriculum may arise. Invariably   this leads to the… Continue Reading >

Private Versus Public Maternity Care – A decision making framework

Private versus public maternity care. It’s a debate that’s rife in pregnancy chat rooms. It provides great fodder in the ‘mummy wars’. But to me, there is no debate as no one can ‘win’. Each person has a unique set… Continue Reading >

Is your child ready to start school next year?

Deciding if your child is ready for school can cause some anxiety for parents, especially if their birthday happens to make them a particularly young starter. While you might be feeling stressed about the decision, there are some clear signifies… Continue Reading >

Breast-Weaning – Is there ever a Right time to start Formula??

This is a tricky question First-World parents often ask, and like so many parenting issues, there is no definitive answer that is appropriate for all circumstances. ​ Some Western governments have ratified the B.F.H.I. (Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative), which has… Continue Reading >

Difficult Decisions

Lately I have had a lot going on. And I’m noticing more now that the years are just flying by. One minute you’re a first time mum with your first newborn baby and next minute you’re a mum to 3 kids…. Continue Reading >