When a parent goes to a school they usually approach the teachers or the principal for one of five reasons. When the teacher or principal asks the very first question after a parent has expressed their issue the first question… Continue Reading >
There can be many and varied life adjustments when one of your children is diagnosed with a disability. When you have other children as well, a flood of questions or thoughts often start to come in your own mind like:… Continue Reading >
Christmas is fast approaching. Some families will want to make changes to their parenting plans and other families will want to change arrangements from last year. Don’t delay – you don’t want to be the parent who wishes that they… Continue Reading >
How should you approach your child’s teacher when you are concerned about something occurring at school? Parents often find themselves in difficult situations with teachers. While teachers are there to facilitate your child’s learning, their roles and responsibilities have changed… Continue Reading >
Many people don’t realise the impact of what’s on their mind…… How significant are your thoughts? Do you realise that what you think about is likely to affect your mood, your daily functioning, your sleep, your relationships? Our “mindset” is… Continue Reading >
Think back to your own childhood. What was your favourite kids’ book? Depending on your ‘vintage’ answers will vary. As a little girl, I remember loving the classics; Fairy tales by the Brothers Grimm, ‘The Five Chinese Brothers’ but mainly… Continue Reading >
The tradition of a sit down family dinner around a dining table is one which has fluctuated over recent years. The abundance of distraction, busyness and technology has for many families meant that traditional dinners have disintegrated into two or… Continue Reading >
Great food, good wine and hours of non-stop chatter with close friends. What mum doesn’t look forward to a good old ‘mums night out’? The chance to let hubby deal with those witching hours of ‘just one more mouthful’ and… Continue Reading >
One Saturday evening my Son was with his Father, and I was at my parents house. After walking the dog with my Step-Dad we returned home and I checked my phone, five missed calls from my brother. Huh! five missed… Continue Reading >
Play has evolved very quickly, in a short space of time. It is a huge focus on Early Learning and one of which has been proven time and time again, to be extremely beneficial in children’s learning. Parents are extremely… Continue Reading >
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