How to communicate with your toddler without saying the word “No”

At around 14-18 months, toddlers will begin testing their boundaries. Your job as a parent is to rein in certain behaviours, particularly those that not desirable or just plain dangerous. Impulsive resistance is something toddlers struggle with and sometimes they… Continue Reading >

So do you feel like your child/children never listen?

Like most parents, I find that half the things I say to my children go in one ear and out the other or they do listen but decide not to do what I have asked so this is where I… Continue Reading >

If you’ve been diagnosed with gestational diabetes, here’s what you need to know

If you have a glucose test coming up or you’ve already been diagnosed with gestational diabetes (also known as GD), you might be concerned about the role it can have in your pregnancy. Between 3% and 8% of women develop… Continue Reading >

Sticks and stones may break your bones, but gee they’re fun to play with!

The sight of a child playing with sticks and stones is usually enough to elicit some kind of freak-out response from most parents and with good reason; sticks and stones can be dangerous right? But really, that can be said… Continue Reading >