How To Develop Motivation To Learn In Children

Tips from a teacher and parent. Every parent has their own life lessons they want to teach their children. For some, it is about taking responsibility for their decisions. For others – it’s about building resilience to achieve their dreams…. Continue Reading >

Nurturing Harmony at Home: A 3 step problem solving approach

Research tells us that different parenting approaches (like attachment parenting, gentle parenting or tiger parenting) don’t make any real differences in how kids turn out. So you know that parenting manual that never came with the kids? That’s ok –… Continue Reading >

Helping children & families navigate back-to-school  

It’s that time of the year where families are racing around to tick off all the back-to-school requirements for the kids, such as buying new shoes, uniforms, books, pens and pencils. Youthrive understands it can be a challenging time with… Continue Reading >

What parents really want to know – 3 tips for improving your child’s behaviour.

Over the years, I have heard and seen many parents share their difficulties, concerns and challenges.  The biggest concerns are often around children and their emotions.  This often looks like tantrums, “losing it” and “meltdowns”.  Sometimes, this situation is related… Continue Reading >

I wish all new parents were told…

Many new or expecting parents share similar fears and concerns during this time and my hope is to offer some best practice researched advice, strategies and recommendations for families to try, because if there is one thing I have learnt… Continue Reading >

Your First Parent-Teacher progress Interview?

It is your child’s first year of ‘big school’ and parent-teacher meetings are fast approaching.  You might not have the faintest idea, except to ask, ‘So, how is Sam going at school?’ It’s been ages since you’ve set foot in… Continue Reading >

How do I fit in eating well?

By Sarah Smith, Accredited Practising Dietitian, Bayside Dietetics Twitter #BaysideDietetic FB Bayside Dietetics Instagram @baysidedietetics   I bumped into an old friend yesterday. She had just returned to work after maternity leave and was struggling to cope with the… Continue Reading >

When should parents consider taking their child to a see a therapist?

Nobody knows a child better than their parent. Since we share each moment of their growth and developmental we become acutely aware of their individual characteristics, attributes and idiosyncrasies. All children advance at their own pace. It is, however, our… Continue Reading >