As a paediatric speech pathologist the question “how many words should my child be saying?”, or “should my child be talking more?” is perhaps one of the most frequently asked questions I hear from families. There is often a lot… Continue Reading >
By Sarah Smith from Bayside Dietetics Have you heard the one about the adult who was cured of fatigue and tummy pain by making sure their gut was “healthy”? Kids can have these symptoms too but may struggle to communicate… Continue Reading >
Krissy Regan has been coordinating rescue missions of Ukrainians from her bedroom in Townsville for the past 6 weeks. What started as concerned efforts for her Ukrainian friends prior to the invasion has evolved to a full-scale drive to fund… Continue Reading >
Have you found yourself frustrated with the seeming addiction your son or daughter has to their mobile device or gaming console? Do you feel like you are somehow letting your child down by allowing them to spend so much time… Continue Reading >
COVID-19 has changed kids’ everyday lives dramatically, but now face-to-face school is officially back on and families are cautiously returning to many routines. But this is a new kind of normal, isn’t it? And just like many adults, some kids… Continue Reading >
Bedwetting (also called nocturnal enuresis) happens when the bladder empties without permission during sleep. Bedwetting is very common with approximately 1 in 5 children in Australia wetting the bed. While bedwetting is common, it is a concern for many parents… Continue Reading >
We know that the consequences of crises and large-scale disruptions are more serious for people who are already disadvantaged. This means that the visible and invisible impacts of the recent bushfire crisis, and now the COVID-19 global pandemic have been… Continue Reading >
Keeping our children safe and healthy in our current climate, that is unchartered territory, must be the priority of everyone. Children are some of the most vulnerable in our community and hence rely on their caring adults to ensure their… Continue Reading >
One of the most common concerns that I hear from new mum’s is their baby’s poo. As a mum, ‘poo’ is no longer a ‘dirty’ word, but becomes something that you look at and think about daily. Your baby’s poo… Continue Reading >
The connection I am talking about is of course human! Have you seen the video? When I watch it I get agitated! OK, it’s cute, I love the music and dad seems like a cool dude. However, everything else I see… Continue Reading >
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