Parents often ask me how they can ‘play’ with their newborn baby. Newborn babies do spend a lot of their time feeding and sleeping but it is important to spend some time playing with them as all babies learn through… Continue Reading >
“My son is born a couple of months prior to the cut off date for them to start school. I think I will give them a second year at kindy”. As a school principal I have heard these comments many… Continue Reading >
By Gabby Moloney, Speech Pathologist at Youthrive What is Augmentative Alternative Communication (AAC)? AAC stands for “Augmentative Alternative Communication” (AAC) and refers to communication devices or systems that support individuals with communication difficulties. AAC supports individuals with communication difficulties by: Allowing individuals… Continue Reading >
Sally Gillespie Research shows that children and young people are anxious about climate issues, and for good reason. They are the generation who will be living with the consequences of a climate altered planet. While it is understandable that… Continue Reading >
As anyone who has accidentally sworn in from of a 4-year-old knows, children soak up enormous amount of knowledge during early childhood. While the early childhood phase is often recognised as an important time to embed literacy and numeracy skills, it… Continue Reading >
There are 1.2 million Australians with communication disability. A large number of these people are children and young adults who need early support to ensure they participate fully in education and build healthy relationships to create a better future… Continue Reading >
Recently both children and adolescents have seen considerable changes to their weekly routines. School looks different, sport is on hold and parents and family for the most part have been the sole source of face-to-face social interaction for many children… Continue Reading >
With restrictions easing around Covid-19 and the Coronavirus, we are finding ourselves moving slowly back into our old lives. In my home state of South Australia, we are looking at cinemas and gyms being open, restaurants and pubs open to… Continue Reading >
My children are part of an after-school public speaking program and are learning about the fine art of communication. After close to a year in this program my 8-year old daughter has become a master negotiator. One of her secret… Continue Reading >
Every action has a reaction. Everybody throughout the world is going through the same thing – isolation. Some of us have become more isolated than others, while others who are more familiar with feeling disconnected are finding themselves less lonely…. Continue Reading >
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