How to prepare your child for their first year of school

By Youthrive Occupational Therapist, Emma McKay   Getting ready to send your little ones to school for the very first time can be an exciting and scary time, but a little bit of forward planning can make this transition a… Continue Reading >

The impact of ‘Reading Aloud’ to children

 from a teacher’s perspective  Written by Jennifer Rennie for Reading Out of Poverty Foundation.   ‘Reading Aloud’ is the road to being literate, construction of language for a child begins from a very early age and exposure is key. Children… Continue Reading >

Report finds bullying and emotional and behavioural problems impact on primary students’ learning ability

New research has found that a large percentage of Australian eight to 12-year-olds are being bullied and/or experiencing emotional difficulties – and these children are falling behind their peers in numeracy and reading in the classroom. The Murdoch Children’s Research… Continue Reading >

Prepped for Prep

Ms5 started Prep this year (sob) BUT not until Term 2. I was surprised they allowed her to start part way through the year, as Prep has become compulsory – in QLD at least – as of 2017. She was… Continue Reading >