Why We Need To Talk To Our Kids About Secrets

Secrets – Why teach it? Secrets. It’s a tricky topic. We encourage our kids to tell the truth, to value honesty and maybe even that telling secrets is rude.. but the truth is, we need to talk to our kids… Continue Reading >

Top 5 Book Resources Every Parent Needs

Books are the ultimate life hack when it comes to parenting. However, there are so many good books out there that it gets a tad overwhelming to know which ones that are actually helpful and useful for what purpose.  Let… Continue Reading >

The ‘mums night out’ that changed my life forever!

Great food, good wine and hours of non-stop chatter with close friends. What mum doesn’t look forward to a good old ‘mums night out’? The chance to let hubby deal with those witching hours of ‘just one more mouthful’ and… Continue Reading >

Only For Me

Only For Me is a beautiful 32 page picture book, designed to gently teach children that their body is private and that they have a right to protect their privacy.