How Mindfulness Activities Can Empower Children’s Well-Being and Creativity

In our post-pandemic world, the well-being of our children has taken on even greater importance. As parents, we all want the very best for our kids. We want them to grow up happy, healthy and prepared to tackle life’s challenges… Continue Reading >

Surviving Mother’s Day without your mum

Surviving Mother’s Day when you no longer have your mum can be one of life’s toughest experiences. What was once a beautiful day for togetherness and celebration often becomes the very opposite: no public display of love, cards and flowers…. Continue Reading >

Breathing exercises to calm children and reduce anxiety

Stress is a fact of modern life. We enjoy unprecedented levels of convenience and technological advancement and our daily lives are busy and high pressured, even for our children. Our body’s autonomic nervous system has sophisticated mechanisms designed to deal… Continue Reading >

Kicking off the New Year with Mindful Intentions

By Krissy Regan The Wellness Poet   What a start to the year it’s been. So much excitement to be on holidays, see family and friends and travel and then boom… back to crisis mode with uncertainty, frustration and fear…. Continue Reading >

3 Ways to Stop Binge Eating and Gain Food Freedom

Are you sick and tired of raiding the fridge and pigging out, then hating yourself for doing so?  Or maybe you eat out of boredom and you don’t know how to stop?  Binge eating is when a person eats an… Continue Reading >

Newborn Baby Nappy Rash Tips: How to treat & prevent nappy rash & causes of nappy rash

Newborn baby nappy rash is caused by sensitive skin irritation. Our experts share nappy rash tips on the causes & symptoms of nappy rash, how long it lasts & how to treat & prevent nappy rash.

5 Tips to Look after your Own Mental Health as a New Mum or Parent

By Dr Harvey Karp   Once Baby arrives, it’s easy to put all your focus on your new tiny bundle. After all, they require a lot of care! But in looking after their little ones, so many mums and dads… Continue Reading >

Top tips for new parents

Planning around becoming a new parent is an exciting but scary rollercoaster of emotions. When we are faced with the unknown, we can often find ourselves trying to find ways of feeling in control. For me this looked like buying… Continue Reading >

Self-care Tips to Prevent Burnout

Did you know, according to a report from Medibank Private, in 2017 the number of people feeling the effects of stress rose by 32% from previous years. The main causes of this spike being lack of sleep and juggling too… Continue Reading >

“Just Breathe”

(Breathing Exercises for Stress Management)   Picture yourself in the middle of an exam, a board meeting, or for your kids, it could be before a presentation at school or a sporting final.  Your pulse is quickening, your thoughts are… Continue Reading >