The 4 Big Common Sleep Problems and What to Do About Them

  Oh sleep, sleep ,sleep….. If only we had the magic wand to wave over our babies and toddlers to get them to sleep like little angels! But these babies and toddlers of ours are all so different. Some arrive… Continue Reading >

Physical Changes During Pregnancy

By Doula and IBCLC, Birth Aims   Pregnancy can be a whirlwind of emotional and physical change for women. The changes a woman experiences will be different dependent on her body, the pregnancy, her hormone levels, placenta placement, pre-existing conditions…the… Continue Reading >

Does my baby need to see a doctor?

So, your beautiful new baby is sick and you’re not sure if you should see the doctor or not? Afterall you’re still getting to know her but being that she is so small and precious… The bottom line is that… Continue Reading >

Is Breast Really the Best?

The short answer is yes.  From a nutritional and health point of view; breastfeeding has so many benefits that it should be our first point of call. The long answer is not always.  I believe the mental health of the… Continue Reading >