Too many books? I think what you mean is not enough bookshelves.

“You can’t possibly buy any more books, we have no room!” -my husband, circa, 2015. I have a problem, it’s a children’s book collection problem. As a teacher, I had a little stash of books that I had collected along the… Continue Reading >

Encouraging your child to read

Earlier this year my son started school and with that we’ve been introduced to the daily ‘reader’. If you’re the parent of a school aged child you’ll know exactly what I’m talking about. Every night your child brings home a… Continue Reading >

Blinky Bill’s Sugar Cookies

Blinky Bill’s Sugar Cookies! (From Allrecipes) Preparation: 20 min Cook: 8 min Ready in 2 hours (allows time for chilling) 1 1/2 cups butter, softened 2 cups white sugar 4 eggs 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 5 cups all-purpose flour 2… Continue Reading >