Recognising all Mothers this Mother’s Day!

As Mother’s Day approaches so does the Federal election, how are both these relevant I hear you ask?! Firstly, there are over a million of us living in step and blended families. Did you know that Step mum out number… Continue Reading >

How To Manage Christmas For Blended Families

Managing children over the Christmas period can be a challenging time for separated and blended families. Even amicably separated parents can find this conversation triggering and a confronting one to have because any parenting agreement that you might have had, often needs… Continue Reading >

How It Feels Adopting An Adult You’ve Raised As Your Own

By Jodie Myintoo Jodie Myintoo, a counsellor based in Melbourne, shares her experience officially adopting her adult daughter in the County Court.   I had the privilege of adopting my step-daughter, Monique. She is turning 23 this year. Some might… Continue Reading >