How to Balance Taking Care of Your Children and Your Parents

If you’re trying to navigate the responsibilities of caring for your children and your ageing parents at the same time, you may find yourself having trouble managing this demanding stage of life. Raising children and caring for an elder takes… Continue Reading >

Dysphagia, a difficult diagnosis to swallow

Did you know that the average human swallows 700 times a day?! A process that is seemingly easy, automatic and effortless to most, but for some can be very difficult and even dangerous. People who have difficulties with swallowing can… Continue Reading >

My Child Eats Sweets in Hiding. What can I do?

Trish has a 10-year-old child, who is a fussy eater with a sweet tooth. “The other day I walked in the lounge and found P. behind the door, demolishing a pot of  ‘chocolate spread’. I was so upset; I lost it then… Continue Reading >