In the magical realm of childhood, where every day is an adventure, children are like little sponges, soaking up the world’s wonders. They’re bursting with energy and enthusiasm, and their boundless creativity knows no limits. With a rainbow of colours,… Continue Reading >
Media kindly brought to you by Schoolyard Stories Have you ever imagined what it would feel like to see your child’s name in print as the author of a book? It’s a proud moment for any parent, teacher, or… Continue Reading >
MoPA: MUSEUM OF PLAY AND ART IN GEELONG SECURES FEDERAL ARTS GRANT TO EXPAND Geelong Children’s Museum MoPA: Museum of Play and Art, established in January 2020, is the recipient of a $277,000 grant as part of the Federal Government Restart Investment… Continue Reading >
Whether you are stuck at home due to a lockdown in your area, extremely rainy weather or you are recovering from injury or illness that prevents you from leaving the house, here are 10 tried and tested ideas that can… Continue Reading >
What do you look for when choosing a childcare centre? Yes, a safe and clean environment is important, and you’ll want to know how the educators engage and interact with the children. But if you’re looking for the X-factor that… Continue Reading >
The Nebulous Stars ® universe offers young girls from 7 years old a unique environment that combines aesthetics,well-being, and positive values. A wide variety of activities will keep children entertained while encouraging their personal development. In a world where children… Continue Reading >
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