Content written by: The Organic Butler Driving to school, juggling after-school activities and making sure the children do their homework are not the only parenting hurdles of school aged kids. One of the most overwhelming yet important aspects of this… Continue Reading >
Melbourne Sports & Aquatic Centre (MSAC) is an in-ternational sports venue located in the heart of the Al-bert Park sports precinct. Established in 1996, MSAC offers state-of-the-art aquatics, stadium and gym facili-ties in which members and visitors can train, compete and recover alongside some of Australia’s leading ath-letes – past, present and future. MSAC is also home to many of Victoria’s state sports organisations, and regu-larly hosts state, national and international sporting events.
MSAC’s footprint in Albert Park extends to Lakeside Stadium, Melbourne’s premier athletics facility and home to the Victorian Institute of Sport, Athletics Aus-tralia and South Melbourne Football Club