

by author and environmental educator, Tiff Bollhorn


Have you ever wondered what the world would be like from the perspective of a 1000 year old tree? This Saturday is National Tree Planting Day. Take this opportunity to celebrate the magnificence of trees in three fun ways:

Know your neighbours

Be curious and notice the different trees in your community. Learn the names of the native trees in your own backyard and neighbourhood. Spot a new tree you would like to plant. Challenge your family to learn and plant new species each year.

Can you find a tree to plant which creates more habitat, grows edible food and is native to your local area?

Respect your elders

Some tree species have been around since the time of the dinosaurs. Some tree species can live over 1,500 years old! Taking time to cultivate a sense of respect and appreciation for these remarkable beings which eat, breath, drink, communicate and grow, like us, is important to foster in ourselves and our children.

The Tree in Me

We are closely connected to trees and plant life on this planet. Not only are we dependent on them for food, products, medicine and much much more, every three seconds we draw air from trees and plants. The air we breath out, they breath in. Our lungs look very much like trees, sharing the beautiful branching pattern.

Celebrate the Earth through the wild beauty and importance of trees. Plant them, know them, reconnect with our binding connection to them. Let their magnificence and our interdependence inspire planting a tree this National Tree Planting Day!


Tiff Bollhorn has over 15 years experience in environmental education. Her new book WONDER EARTH, written with Zanni Louise and illustrated by Sophy Louise Smith, celebrates nature in all its wonder and leads kids through fun activities which help them connect with their environment.