

Actions: Immune Boosting, Anti-viral, Anti-bacterial, Anti-inflammatory

Ingredients: 5 sprigs of thyme + a handful of sage leaves (cut these from your herb garden or source them from the shop if you don’t yet have a herb garden).

1. Rinse the thyme and sage, then add them to a large saucepan
2. Fill the saucepan with water
3. Simmer whilst covered for 30 minutes – 1 hour, until the water turns a dark colour
4. Strain and drink 1-3 cups throughout the day.

This tea is suitable for all ages and acts as both a preventative and also helps treat infections that are present. Note: intake is best limited in those with bleeding disorders, heart failure or if pregnant.

Clare Zivanovic is a qualified Naturopath, Nutritionist and Medical Herbalist whose expert health knowledge has earned her a place on commercial television, podcasts and in best-selling health magazines. Believing self-empowerment makes the world a happier place, Clare has published a fun children’s nutrition book, Superfood Attitude, which is ideal for 2-7-year olds. Website: