

We all know that children and veggies aren’t the closest of friends, however, order to build and maintain a strong immune system it all starts with serving them nutrient-dense food.

What we eat has a clear impact on our immunity.

This winter, more so than any other in recent history, we are required to boost our children’s immune systems with as many nutrients as possible to keep their little bodies fighting fit against any unwanted coughs, colds and god forbid any exposure to COVID-19.

To help share her expert tips, and empower you with the right tools to help build and support your little one’s immune system, we are joined today by Siobhan Boyle, CEO of The Good Foundation.


We ask Siobhan questions including:

  1. The younger we encourage good eating habits in our children, the greater the chances they will continue to apply them throughout their lives.Tell us, what are your thoughts on this?
  2. If parents want to make a positive change to their eating habits to help boost their children’s immunity this coming winter, where should they start?
  3. Could you share with us your top kid-friendly immune-boosting ingredients that we should include in our meal plans that can help to constantly build their immune systems?
  4. What are your most delicious immune-boosting recipes that kids will love?
  5. We have to be mindful of the sugar intake children have each day, that said which fruits can boost immune systems?
  6. Are there any store cupboard or freezer ingredients that can be used instead of fresh when there might be limited supplies?
  7. What snack foods do you suggest parents prepare for their kids that would help boost their immune system?
  8. What is your take on drinks for children, is it ok for parents to be giving their children fruit juices and cordials or should they just have water?
  9. What about warm drinks like hot chocolate and babycinos?
  10. We understand there are two key programs delivered exclusively across Australia, to promote good health and nutrition, those being


1- Jamie’s Ministry of Food Australia


2- Jamie Oliver’s Learn Your Fruit and Veg

Can you tell us a little bit about both programs and how we can access them?

For more information please visit: