

COVID-19 for all the benefits in having life slow down a little, and enjoy being home more, has, in fact, increased many children’s addiction to gaming.

If you have concerns about the effects gaming has on your children during isolation you are in the right place.

Today we are thrilled to speak with Andrea Castello, otherwise known as ‘Dad The Gamer’

Whilst a Podiatrist by profession, Andrea has a real passion for “gaming” As a father, what has become apparent to him just how many parents are worried about the nature of gaming and what it means for their children. Andrea’s mission is to Empower Parents By Demystifying Gaming.

We ask Andrea questions including:

  1. What impact is gaming having on children during isolation?
  2. Children have become accustomed to chatting and playing with friends online. No doubt this socialising has been beneficial for their mental health to stay in touch. What are your thoughts on this?
  3. By definition, what is a gamer?
  4. What are their 6 different types of gamers?
  5. What information have you found the NewZoo quiz provides parents with?
  6. What are the side affects on children when they start taking gaming too serious?
  7. How can parents best manage this, do you have any tips?
  8. How can parents best manage these highly adrenalised games that can makes children exhausted after playing?
  9. How can parents help their children overcome the expectation to be available online on a regular basis?
  10. Do you think children who have become accustom to playing online frequently whilst in isolation will experience challenges in returning to normality?
  11. So what advice do you have for parents who are concerned about their children’s gaming?
  12. How can parents bring their children slowly out of gaming?

For Andrea’s full article, please visit:

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