As children grow and develop the need for social interaction with peers the same age is crucial for their social and emotional development.
Our experiences with COVID-19 are far from going away. As a result, we need to understand what are the short and long term effect of Isolation on Children?
The more we know, the better we can ensure children are not missing out on developing crucial life skills and we are supporting them the best we can.
To help talk to us about this today we welcome our special guest Breanna Jayne Sada is a Lysn Psychologist.
Lsyn is a mental telehealth startup up offering online psychology counselling for anyone needing mental health and well-being support, in particular, to help facilitate care for rural and regional patients.
We ask Breanna questions including:
- What do we know about social Isolation and how it can impact children and young people?
- Much attention has recently been on the negative impacts of Isolation. Have some children and young people seen any positive/helpful impacts of Isolation?
- What can parents do to help prevent some of the negative impacts of long periods of isolation?
- What effects do you think social distancing may have on children, and what do parents need to do to overcome it?
- What sort of mental health challenges should parents be looking out for with their children? What can parents do to help overcome this?
- Can parents with preschoolers teach social skills via social isolation and social distancing?
- What are the effects of loneliness on children?
For Breanna’s full article visit:
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