My Food Allergy Friends
My Food Allergy Friends
Australia’s dedicated provider of educational allergy resources.
The aim of the program is to help parents educate their children about allergies using the books and resources. Childcare centres and schools can put the Food Allergy Smart Program in place by using our allergy packs or booking a session to teach students about food allergies and ways to be Food Allergy SMART.
We Provide:
– Resources to help parents educate their child from an early age. Covering multiple allergens.
– Allergy packs specially designed for children. These can be used in childcare centres and schools.
– Helping educators and families work together in providing a safe environment for children with allergies that is practical and simple for everyone to implement.
– Practical tips on how to provide a classroom or centre that is inclusive of children with allergies.
– Bright, eye-catching visual aids to engage children including flashcards and visual posters.
– Educational awareness programs – incursions.
– On-going support with certificates, discussion points and classroom activities. Helping teachers plan lessons on food allergies and ensuring the Food Allergy Smart Program continues long after our visit.
– Raising community awareness.
– Safety products such as EpiPen labels, lunch box stickers, and medical bags to help make life with allergies much easier.
Contact: 0415 4400 50
Website: https://myfoodallergyfriends.com/